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Dear potential tenderer,

thank you for your interest in this award procedure.

If you want to be updated about the course of your procurement procedure via E-Mail or want to participate in one of our electronic tenders you need to register for our eTendering Account before downloading or participating.

Please register here to download the specifications and receive your free Tendering account.

Your are visiting this service for the first time and doesn't have an eTendering account to participate in our electronic procurment procedures yet?

Please register here for your free eTendering Account.

Dear customers,

This service is provided with our partners. Therefore as a subscribed customer of you easily can use your current login and access data such as user name and password for login.
The access data you received by one of our other cooperation partners in the course of a tender document download in the past are valid as well.


Have you forgotten your access data? Then please contact our customer service at or via our contact form.

You forgot your password? Please follow this link.

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