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Titel: Carbon pricing design for the Energy Community


The objective of this project is to assess and propose the design of an effective carbon pricing mechanism conducive to decarbonisation of the Energy Community Contracting Parties’ electricity sector in a cost-effective and socially acceptable way. The work shall result in: a) an overview of the available policy instruments and measures to initiate the process of decarbonisation of power sector through a carbon pricing mechanisms in the Energy Community Contracting Parties; b) detailed evaluation of these instruments and measures, c) recommendation of elements of a carbon pricing design, estimated timeline for implementation and necessary resources for each Contracting Party and, as the case may be, at the Energy Community level.


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Zu dieser Bekanntmachung gehören folgende Bekanntmachung(en)

Titel Veröffentlicht am Bekanntmachungsart
Tender Carbon pricing design for the Energy Community 14.10.2019 Bekanntmachung
Tender Technical support 23.12.2019 Kerndaten für die Bekanntgabe von vergebenen Aufträgen und abgeschlossenen Rahmenvereinbarungen (Anhang VIII, 2. Abschnitt, Z 1 BVergG 2018)
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