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Titel: System adequacy and capacity mechanism in Western Balkans


On the basis of an analysis of the generation, supply and network conditions in the WB6 Contracting Parties, nationally and regionally, as well as the ability of their systems and markets to address the above-mentioned challenges, the Consultant will be requested to provide an analysis of the national and regional flexibility and generation adequacy in line with the requirements of Article 18 of the Energy Community Treaty, the European Commission’s 2014 guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG), the Commission’s 2016 sector inquiry and the European Court of Justice’s and Commission’s case practice (altogether: State aid law).


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Titel Veröffentlicht am Bekanntmachungsart
Tender System adequacy and capacity mechanism in Western Balkans 10.10.2019 Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge
Tender System adequacy and capacity mechanism in Western Balkans 03.12.2018 Bekanntmachung
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